The team at know that it is not easy to talk about the end of life. However, despite personal reservations, more of us are beginning to do so.
If you are visiting this site, you may be thinking about planning ahead. While it is not an easy topic, please feel free to carry on reading our mini guide.
Can I Plan My Cremation?
There is no reason why you can’t plan your own cremation. More of us than ever before are starting to approach this sensitive topic in a different way.
We don’t want to leave all the decisions to our family and friends. Instead, we like to know what is going to happen. Setting it out in a will is one way, but you can also contact a specialist company and plan your own service.
Many find that doing so, brings peace of mind. That is very important both to you and friends and family.
Do I Need To Have A Traditional Service?
The answer to that question is no. If you don’t want to have a traditional service or life celebration, you can do things your own way.
Maybe you had the best time of times hanging out on a beach or by a river. In that case, there is no reason why you should not ask for your ashes to be scattered there. It is a popular choice and many finds that it is a very natural option.
You can ask for a tree to be planted in a memorial garden, so that your loved ones can “visit” you there instead.
What About Flowers And Wreaths?
Many of us think that traditional flowers and wreaths at funerals are a waste of money. If you don’t want to have flowers at your service, there is no reason why you can’t say no.
Instead you may want to ask your friends and family to make a donation to your favorite charity. In recent years, leaving a donation to a favorite charity has become a popular way to create a permanent memory in someone’s name.
Yes, it is difficult, but you should try to talk about how you would like things to be. Far too many of us leave it too late. It is one of the most difficult conversations that you will have. Once it is over, you will feel that a great weight has been lifted from your shoulders and you can move on.